Saturday, July 18, 2009

If your interests in poetry and these great writers brought you this far. Please pay tribute to the wonderful sponsors of Google that made this blog possible. Every click you make on this page goes towards the making of my new book Sin Dog The Becoming. Below is a sample of my new book…

Sin Dog The Becoming


Richard Brennan

At the age of fourteen I was sitting at my desk. I was suppose to be doing my homework but instead I was writing on this white piece of paper. Lost in my own world with the door closed, in the back ground I could hear my parents arguing. “You don’t do shit; I pay most of the bills.” Why don’t you have a job with benefits? The front door slammed and then there was silence. Angered at these hateful words, I began to write. The pen moved so fast I didn’t have time to think. My eyes grew heavy and my world turned black. I could hear a hiss and a clank, like a pan hitting metal. I was sure I was in my room it was the sound of the old steam heater. Face wet from sweat, pen still in hand, my body numb. I forced myself back to sleep. My eyes warm, all I could see was red, until I decided to open them. My vision fuzzy yet focused to the sun high in the sky. There I was in the tallest tree, naked to the world, innocent and as happy as can be. Then I heard the sound of painful cries. I looked down to the greenest of grass and seen a checker board of stones, and there was my mother and sister kneeling and holding red roses. My smile turned upside down and I began to wonder why. I jumped and was suddenly turned into a black crow. A single feather fell from my wings. Gently spiraling downward reflecting colors, my vision turned black and I could feel something tightening around my chest. I looked into it’s red eyes and it hissed violently at me. Then I awoke to a gentle bluish light. It was the moon shinning through my bedroom window on the wet white piece of paper that I scribbled violently all over.

“Richie it’s time for dinner.” I wiped the drool from my face, my hand numb, I go and shake it and the pen falls to the floor. My hand still tingly, I crumple up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash. I open my bedroom door and the kitchen light burns my eyes. I put my hand up to cover the light and my vision slowly focuses to a pinkish tinge. The first thing I see is a bucket of KFC on the kitchen table. Then I smell the fried chicken. My stomach growls and my dad hits my sister’s hand. “Hey get your grubby paws out of the bucket of chicken.” Then my dad says what took you so long; your mother and I have been calling your name for the past five minutes. My mother pacing back and forth grabbing plates and silverware. “I fell asleep,” my mom says weren’t you suppose to be studying. My dad says come sit next to your farther and tell me what your teacher has you studying so hard for. I sit next to my dad and my mom sets a plate in front of me. My sister starts pointing and laughing at me. My mom asks my sister, what’s so funny; and my dad says look at me for a minute, then he starts laughing. I look at my mom and she says go in the bathroom and wash your face. Sulking the whole way to the bathroom because I didn’t even get to take a bite of my chicken. I get in the bathroom and look in the mirror, and there is a blue line of ink across my cheek. I turn the faucet knobs and they a make squeaking noise. I wait for the water to steam up, then I grab a washcloth and soap. I wipe off the mirror and start to wash my face. Then I hear a loud crash like thunder. I see a flash then everything turns black. I feel my body spinning around like a giant whirlpool of water. Then I’m dropped down the drain with a loud gargle. Everything is still as silent as can be. I’ am weightless and my vision is flickering like a TV when it looses reception. I hear a high pitch ringing in my ears. Then a still picture of a tree appears on the screen of a TV. The TV is in the ground facing the sky and I’ am above, drifting higher and higher until I reach the clouds. Then I fall so fast my whole life flashes before my eyes. I’ am in a tunnel of TVs, all of which are playing a certain part of my life, and then suddenly it stops and I’ am face to face with a black crow perched high on a church steeple. It starts screaming at me as if it knows I’m there. I enter it’s black eye… Knock! Knock! “Richie are you alright?”

To Be Continued…

Thank you again for reading this far, and remember every click you make on here to google and my sponsors, brings you closer to the unveiling of my new book Sin Dog The Becoming.

Sincerely yours,

Richard Brennan

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